Dreams Begin Here Autumn

Dreams Begin Here Autumn

When and Where
  • Event Date: Sep 8 2024 Sun
  • Entry Deadline: Aug 25
  • Ford Ice Center Bellevue
    Map7638 B Hwy 70 S
    Nashville, TN 37221
Contact Info
Notes and Information
All registrations for this competition are processed online. Please follow the 2 step procedure as outlined in the competition announcement. Register for your events here on sk8stuff, then use the rink payment portal to process your payments.
This competition is hosted by the Member Club and sanctioned by US Figure Skating (SR 3.09 and SR 4.00). All coaches must be in compliance with Rule 1310, MR 5.11, MR 5.12, MR 5.13 or they will not be allowed to coach athletes, nor have contact, either directly or indirectly, at a venue for practice and/or at US Figure Skating events (US Figure Skating tests, competitions, performance activities, club ice, and workshops).