MI HS State Championships

MI HS State Championships

Results by Skater, Club, or Event
When and Where
  • Event Date: Mar 28-29 2009 Sat-Sun
  • Midland Civic Arena
    MapBay City Rd. & Rockwell Dr.
    Midland, MI 48640
Contact Info
Notes and Information
8am-8pm Sat, 8am-1pm Sun
Thank you to Dorothy Estey and Joyce Herron for providing these results for posting!
This competition is hosted by the Member Club and sanctioned by US Figure Skating (SR 3.09 and SR 4.00). All coaches must be in compliance with Rule 1310, MR 5.11, MR 5.12, MR 5.13 or they will not be allowed to coach athletes, nor have contact, either directly or indirectly, at a venue for practice and/or at US Figure Skating events (US Figure Skating tests, competitions, performance activities, club ice, and workshops).